tirsdag 24. februar 2015

The selfie stick

It's official, I'm still a teenager at heart. On saturday I went to a mall with the only purpose (except for buying food that is - but I could have done that much closer to home) to buy a selfie stick. The only thing I can say to defend my purchase is that now (if I dont get too embarassed) I can take pictures of me and my boyfriend together when we are on trips together, without just getting the faces or having to ask someone (which I'm probably going to do either way because sometimes that is necessary), and I can take a picture with my friends without one of them missing because they are behind the camera. 

But lets be honest, it's called a selfie stick, there is no point in pretending that I'm not going to use it mainly for that purpose. Now all I need is a new phone, so that I can get some better photos (if you dont know what I mean, you will after seeing the ones I've taken so far) :) 

When you wear red lipstick, the duckface just appears when you're taking photos...weird ;)

mandag 23. februar 2015


It's so much fun creating boards to inspire yourself (and maybe others)! The one with the denim shirt I made just now, and I really wish that could be my outfit for tomorrow, but seeing that it snowed (!) today (and the insignificant detail that I dont have any of these items) I guess I have to wait for better days.

Now I just need to get these items in my wardrobe and I'm good to go ;) Or maybe I should start by making boards with clothes I actually own, so that I can wear the outfits at once... Anyway hope you've had a great weekend, I'm actually looking foreward till tomorrow - new week, new opportunities!

mandag 9. februar 2015

The kimono and flash tattoos

Just a couple of days after I made the post about Etsy and summer vibes I found this kimono at h&m, I guess it was meant to be huh? ;) Also I've ordered some flash tattoos, which I love to have fun with - I really want a new tattoo, but before I put some ink on my arm I have to see what it's like to have something there :)

mandag 2. februar 2015

The faux fur

I LOVE this jacket! During this fall/winter I've been searching for the perfect faux fur. It turned out to be pretty difficult because I didn't want to spend too much money - and the pretty ones tend to be very pricey.. At last I found the perfect jacket online at Missguided, lovelovelove! Only thing that sucks is that Bergen is famous for the rain = not a good match for (faux) fur! I've used it a few times, and today it was nice and cold out so I was super-excited because that meant that I could wear it *smilesmilesmile*

Have a good monday!