tirsdag 2. desember 2014

Yesterday through my phone


On my way out for a studydate :) (sorry about the weird quality, I tried to make it lighter, since the hallway is so dark...didn't quite work - still hard to see that I'm wearing knee-high boots!)

Details :) 

- Sweater and skirt: bikbok, Watch: Larsson & Jennings, Ring: DyrbergKern.

The weather was just amazing yesterday! Crisp winter air, (almost) blue sky..just perfect for a walk. When I walked home from my friends house after studying it was just.. perfect... There's no other word. Kids were playing, people were running to catch the bus, cares driving by, and I was so happy and felt so at peace listening to Radioresepsjonen on my phone :) 

And then....

Never leave your computer at the floor....just don't. 
By the way, on one of my exams I'm going to use this computer, or at least that was the plan...hopefully it doesn't crash during this week or when I'm actually having my exam....

The day weren't perfect anymore after that. 

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